
Teachers as Social Actors [pilot study for dissertation project]

In this project, I interview secondary school teachers to understand how they think about their role within society and what this means for their practice in the classroom.

No Turning Back! Our Journey Towards Critical Race Consciousness

[presented at roundtable during AERA 2024] Maure Aguirre Ortega and I use duoethnographic methods to explore how walking together can challenge our subscription to whiteness and support us on our journeys towards critical race consciousness.

Humanizing and Antiracist Coaching Project

PI: Dr. Charlotte Land. Through interviews and focus groups we seek to understand how teacher prep programs, and particularly supervisors/mentors, support pre-service teachers in taking up anti-racist practices as they enter the teaching profession.

We “Do Not Ban Books!” (We Just Want to Restrict Access): Analyzing the Discourse and Rhetoric of Book-Banners

PI: Dr. Jason Griffith. We use critical discourse analysis to look at the (mis)uses of rhetoric employed in the practice of banning books.